Scientific name:Ā Ricinus Communis
Roghan Arandi is also known as castor oil that is widely used element is beauty treatment since it includes plenty of skin, hair, and health benefits. It also includes anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.Ā Castor beans are also called Tukhum-e-Arandi. It is mostly grow in tropical areas. It is mostly used to make cosmetics oil lamps. Castor is a shrub that grow up to 4 meter height.
- It has anti-inflammatory effect
- It includes anti-bacterial properties
- It fights against pathogen
- It removes acne
- It helps to grow hair
- It also control hair fallĀ
- It fight against rheumatism
- It relive menstrual pain
- It is a moisturizing agent
- It treats constipation
- It promotes growth of hairs
- It prevents ringworm
- It is effective for thick eyebrow
- It heals cuts and wounds
- It drains the fluids
- It contains antimicrobial properties
Side effects:
Some major side effects of the excess use of Roghan Arandi:
- Abdominal Cramps
- Nausea
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Diarrhea
- Pelvic Congestion
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