Showing 1–12 of 23 results

Akseer e Zulf Oil – روغن اکسیر زلف

  • Product Name: Akseer e Zulf Oil - روغن اکسیر زلف
  • Other Names: Elixir for Hair Oil, Herbal Hair Oil, اکسیر زلف کا تیل
  • Akseer e Zulf in Urdu: روغن اکسیر زلف
  • Scientific Name: Herbal Blend (Varied Components)


Scientific Name: Parmelia Perlata Description: Lichen is known as Charrilah. It is beneficial herb. It contains antimicrobial and anti fungal properties.

Common Mallow (Khubazi)

Scientific Name:  Malva Sylvestris Common Name: Dwarf Mallow, Cheese Weed, Button Weed, Cheese Plant, Round Leaf Mallow Description: Common Mallow is also known

Common Tallow Laurel (Maida Lakdi)

Scientific Name: Litsea Glutinosa Common Name: Brown Bollygum, Bolly Beech Description: Common Tallow Laurel that is commonly known as Maida Lakdi is an

Country Mallow (Beejband Siyah – بیجبند سیاہ)

  • Product Name: Country Mallow - Beejband Siyah (بیجبند سیاہ)
  • Other Names: Sida Cordifolia, Flannel Weed, Bala, Heartleaf Sida
  • Beejband Siyah in English: Country Mallow
  • Country Mallow in Urdu: بیجبند سیاہ
  • Scientific Name: Sida Cordifolia

Dadhi Bargad

Dadhi Bargad is now available at pansari It is used to make many herbal remedies to cure different diseases.

Dried Cheer Pine (Behroza Khushk)

Scientific Name: Pinus Longifolia Roxb Common Name: Dried Behroza, Dried Long Leaf Pine Description: The Dried Cheer Pine is also known as Behroza

Green Vitriol (Kasis Sabz)

Scientific Name: Ferrous Sulphate Description: Green vitriol is also known as Kasis Sabz and widely used to make medicine because it

Pistacia (Kakra Singi) – کاکڑا سنگی

  • Product Name: Pistacia Integerrima (Kakra Singi) - کاکڑا سنگی
  • Other Names: Kakra Singi, Mal Bharangi, Pistacia Berry Galls, Kakda Singhi, Galls of Pistacia Integerrima, کاکڑا سنگی
  • Kakra Singi in English: Pistacia Integerrima
  • Pistacia Integerrima in Urdu: کاکڑا سنگی
  • Scientific Name: Pistacia Integerrima

Pure Chamomile Oil (Roghan Gul Baboona) – روغن گل بابونہ

  • Product Name: Pure Chamomile Oil (Roghan Gul Baboona) - روغن گل بابونہ
  • Other Names: German Chamomile Oil, Roman Chamomile Oil, روغن بابونہ
  • Chamomile Oil in Urdu: روغن گل بابونہ
  • Scientific Name: Matricaria chamomilla

Ranjbeel – رنجبیل

  • Product Name: Ranjbeel - رنجبیل
  • Other Names: Ranjbeel, Dry Ginger, Sunth, Adrak, Shunthi, Chukku, سونٹھ، ادرک خشک، چککو، شنتھی
  • Ranjbeel in English: Dry Ginger
  • Ranjbeel in Urdu: رنجبیل
  • Scientific Name: Zingiber officinale

Roghan Alsi

Scientific Name: Linum Usitatissimum Other Name: Lin Seed and Barz Etc. Description: Alsi are added in different food items. their seeds