Showing 97–108 of 217 results

Gond Chohara

Scientific Name: Phoenix Dactylifera Description: Gum Of Dates are extracted from the tree of Dates. Dates are the common food item

Gond Katira

Tragacanth Gum is known as Gond Katira and it is mostly found in middle east. It is used to make

Gond Mocharas

Scientific Name: Salmalia Malabarica Description: Gum of silk cotton tree is commonly known as Gond Mocharas. The tree of Gond Mocharas

Green Vitriol (Kasis Sabz)

Scientific Name: Ferrous Sulphate Description: Green vitriol is also known as Kasis Sabz and widely used to make medicine because it

Guggul (Gugal)

Scientific Name: Commiphora Mukul Description: Guggul is also known as commiphora mukul and mukul myrrh tree. This herb is widelu used

Gul Gurhal

Scientific Name: Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Other Name: Shoe Flower, China Rose, Hawaiian Hibiscus Description: Gul Gurhal is a healthy herb that is

Gul Zoofa

Scientific Name: Hyssopus Officinalis Description: Hyssop is also known as Gul Zoofa. It is being used for cleansing purposes and to

Gul-e-Neelofer (Water Lily Flower)

Gul-e-Neelofer is also called Water Lily Flower. It have cooling effect and many health advantages as well. It prevents nervous

Gulancha Tinospora (Sat Gilo)

Scientific Name: Tinospora Cordifolia Common Name: Heart-leaved Moonseed Description: Gulancha Tinospora contains grooved stems and fleshy roots.This plant belongs to the family

Gulnar (Pomegranate Flower)

Scientific Name: Punica Granatum Description: Pomegranate flower is commonly known as Gulnar. This herb is absolutely a perfect combo of taste and