Showing 1–12 of 22 results

Cinnamon Beard Oil

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cinnamomum verum DESCRIPTION: Cinnamon Beard Oil makes your hair smooth and shiny. It’s fragrance is sweet and give relaxing

Common Tallow Laurel (Maida Lakdi)

Scientific Name: Litsea Glutinosa Common Name: Brown Bollygum, Bolly Beech Description: Common Tallow Laurel that is commonly known as Maida Lakdi is an

Forest Heaven Beard Oil

Forest Heaven Beard Oil DESCRIPTION: Forest Heaven Beard Oil exhibit anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It is no allergic so can be

Hamdard Roghan Surkh

Original price was: ₨150.00.Current price is: ₨130.00.
Hamdard Roghan Surkh is also known as Beejband Surkh. It is b beneficial herbaceous plant. The color of stem is

Pure Roghan Podina (Peppermint Oil) – روغن پودینہ

  • Product Name: Pure Roghan Podina - روغن پودینہ
  • Other Names: Peppermint Oil, Mentha Oil, روغن نعناع
  • Roghan Podina in Urdu: روغن پودینہ
  • Scientific Name: Mentha piperita

Pure Vetiver Oil

Scientific Name: Anathema Zizaneoides is the scientific name of pure Vetiver Oil Description: It is not a common herb and most

Pure Walnut Oil

Scientific name: Walnut tree oil is derived from Walnuts, Juglans Regia. The oil of walnut is manufactured by fatty acids, saturated fatty

Ranjbeel – رنجبیل

  • Product Name: Ranjbeel - رنجبیل
  • Other Names: Ranjbeel, Dry Ginger, Sunth, Adrak, Shunthi, Chukku, سونٹھ، ادرک خشک، چککو، شنتھی
  • Ranjbeel in English: Dry Ginger
  • Ranjbeel in Urdu: رنجبیل
  • Scientific Name: Zingiber officinale

Roghan Alsi

Scientific Name: Linum Usitatissimum Other Name: Lin Seed and Barz Etc. Description: Alsi are added in different food items. their seeds

Roghan e Laung

Scientific Name: Syzygium aromaticum is the scientific name of Roghan e Laung which belongs to the family of Myrtaceae. Description:

Roghan Kalonji

Kalonji is also known as black seed that have absolute healing effect. Kalonji contains vitamins A, B. C, calcium, zinc,

Roghan Moong Phali

Scientific Name:  Arachis hypogaea is the scientific name of roghan moong phali. Description: Roghan Moong Phali is extracted from pure Peanuts.