Showing 1–12 of 50 results


Original price was: ₨155.00.Current price is: ₨130.00.
Benefits:     Useful in leucorrhoea, general weakness, fatigue, and calcium deficiency. Suggested Use: 2 tablets three times a day with

Akseer Kiram

INDICATION: Akseer Kiram an effective medicine for increasing the sperm count, it stimulates the production of sperms and enables a


Original price was: ₨90.00.Current price is: ₨70.00.
INDICATION: It is effective for nocturnal emission. Increase retention power and as well as control the disease of Spermatorrhea. Dosage:

Bay Auladi Ka Ilaj

Original price was: ₨9,000.00.Current price is: ₨6,000.00.
Bay Auladi Ka Ilaj | Sterlity بے اولادی کا علاج اولاد دنیا میں ایک بے مثال نعمت  ہوتی ہے جس

Buy Hamdard Naushdaroo Lului

Original price was: ₨165.00.Current price is: ₨150.00.
Naushdaroo Luluiis used to treat various diseases as a herbal remedy that is manufactured by the Hamdard Laboratory. Buy it


Original price was: ₨55.00.Current price is: ₨40.00.
Dawa-e-Dahan is a very useful herbal remedy which is manufactured by Hamdard Laboratory. Buy it online by Benefits: Its


Original price was: ₨70.00.Current price is: ₨60.00.
Dawa-e-Kharish is an efficient herbal remedy that is helpful to treat the Kharish (rash) on the skin as well as


Dawa-e-Khatoon | دوائے خاتون For menoxenia and its complications, i.e., pain, fatigue, leucorrhoea, uterus’ weakness and uteritis. رحم کی کمزوری

Habb-e-Ambar Momyai

Original price was: ₨600.00.Current price is: ₨550.00.
Habb-e-Ambar Momyai | حب عنبر مومیائی Cerebral, cardiac, hepatic & sexual tonic and stimulant. Also enhances the production of seminal

Habb-e-Ambar Momyai Tila Wali

Original price was: ₨1,100.00.Current price is: ₨1,050.00.
Habb-e-Ambar Momyai Tila Wali | حب عنبر مومیائی طلاء والی Cerebral, cardiac, hepatic & sexual tonic and stimulant. Also enhances


Habb-e-Jalinoos | حب جالینوس Aphrodisiac medicine and nervine tonic. باہ اوراعصاب کوتقویت دیتی ہے۔ چستی و مستعدی پیدا کرتی ہے۔


Habb-e-Nishat | حب نشاط For low viscosity of seminal fluid, premature ejaculation and sexual & general debility. رقت ِمادہ اور