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Majun Murraweh-ul-Arwah

Original price was: ₨600.00.Current price is: ₨580.00.
 INDICATION: Majun Murraweh-ul-Arwah is protectant of the natural heat of the body (Hararat e Azizi). It increases the mating period

Majun Tila Ajmali

INDICATION: Majun Tila Ajmali is a combination of musk, saffron amber, and pearls. It strengthens heart, liver, brain and stomach

Qurs Ajeeb Ahtalam

Original price was: ₨110.00.Current price is: ₨90.00.
INDICATION: Qurs Ajeeb Ahtalam is effective in nocturnal emission. It is for male Health Remedy. DOSAGES: 1 Tablet With Water

Qurs Zarin

Original price was: ₨100.00.Current price is: ₨70.00.
Qurs Zarin is effective in the weakness of the bladder and kidney. DOSAGES: One To Two Tablets With water Before

Roghan Beer Bahuti Khas

Roghan Beer Bahuti Khas is a male private part massage oil used by hundreds of thousands of men around the

Roghan Khashkhash

Scientific Name: Papaver somniferum is the scientific name of Roghan Khashkhas. Description: Roghan-e-Khashkhas is also known as poppy seed oil

Roghan Naryal

Roghan Naryal Scientific Name: Cocos Nucifera is the botanical name of Roghan Naryal. DESCRIPTION: Coconut Oil is also known as

Safoof Tabashir

Original price was: ₨150.00.Current price is: ₨120.00.
Description: Tabashir is beneficial herb that is used to cure many health issues and used to make different health remedies. it

Sharbat Bazuri Barad

Original price was: ₨400.00.Current price is: ₨350.00.
Sharbat Bazuri Barad is used in quenching excess heat from the liver, kidney, and gall bladder. Act as a diuretic.