
What is Akarkara?


Akarkara whose scientific name is Anacyclus Pyrethrum used in Ayurvedic, herbal, and Unani medicines especially useful to treat men’s diseases. This herbal remedy is mostly found in India and used as a medicinal plant worldwide. During physical contact, it can improve physical strength and performance. Roots of this plant are beneficial in the treatment of men’s disorders also its fragrance is very unique. This herbal remedy has been considered a tonic to aid the intimate urge, premature ejaculation, and impotency (Mardana Kamzori). Due to its anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties, this is beneficial for insect bites and skin problems.

Useful to Treat:

Indian Akarkara is useful to treat the following diseases

  • ·         Impotency (Mardana Kamzori)
  • ·         Premature ejaculation
  • ·         Intimate urge
  • ·         Diabetes
  • ·         Epilepsy
  • ·         Hemiplegia
  • ·         Sore throat
  • ·         Tonsils
  • ·         Arthritis

Health Benefits of Akarkara:

  • ·         Provides Dental Care
  • ·         Antidepressant
  • ·         Immunomodulatory
  • ·         Anti-Convulsant Acivity
  • ·         Applied as an analgesic
  • ·         Used as a masticatory
  • ·         Improves concentration Power
  • ·         Help in weight loss
  •  Help to reduce joint pain


As the rules of the universe, everything has good and bad effects side by side. Overdose of everything can be harmful to your life. Some side effects of this herbal remedy is discussed below:

  • ·         Excessive Weight gain
  • ·         Allergy
  • ·         Asthma
  • ·         Water retention

Chemical Composition:

Facts have shown a substance that is insoluble in potassium hydroxide, resinous, acrid, and brown in color having two oils soluble in potassium hydroxide and carbonate, potassium sulphate, alumina, lignin, and silica, etc.

Synonyms of Akarkara:

Akkallakar, Akarakarabh, Akkallaka Hommugulu, Akkarakaram, Akkalakarra, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Kulekhara, Pellitory.

Source of this herbal remedy:

Plhis is a plant-based herbal product that can improve sexual performance in men.


People who are sensitive to marigolds, daisies, and Chrysanthemums and other members of their family may be allergic to this herbal remedy. Akarkara can be found on the market easily but without wasting your time you can also buy it from online stores having 100% guaranteed purity.

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