Showing 1–12 of 15 results


Original price was: ₨90.00.Current price is: ₨70.00.
INDICATION: It is effective for nocturnal emission. Increase retention power and as well as control the disease of Spermatorrhea. Dosage:

Hamdard Tiryaq e Masana

Original price was: ₨115.00.Current price is: ₨80.00.
Tiryaq-e-Masana Is beneficial herbal remedy for the weakness of the bladder. it is manufactured by the Hamdard. Buy it online

Ilmas Kimiyavi

Original price was: ₨9,000.00.Current price is: ₨8,500.00.
Indication: Ilmas-e-Kemyavi is an expensive yet extremely effective Nervine tonic tablet for men wrapped in gold foil. It was formulated by

Jameelan ajmal

Original price was: ₨150.00.Current price is: ₨120.00.
Jameelan is effective in spermatorrhoea, causing no side effects on the stomach. Increase the viscosity of semen. Reduces the excretion

Majun Jalinus Lulvi

Original price was: ₨320.00.Current price is: ₨300.00.
Indication: Majun Jalinus Lulvi acts as an aphrodisiac. It improves male sexual power, removes debility of each organ as well

Majun Masik-Ul-Boul

Original price was: ₨200.00.Current price is: ₨170.00.
Majun Masikul Bole is effective in incontinence of urine. Effective in bladder problems. It is useful in enuresis (Bedwetting happens

Majun Muqawwi Mumsik

Original price was: ₨550.00.Current price is: ₨530.00.
INDICATION: Majun Muqawwi Mumsik increases sexual desire gives more vitality to the male organ.  Also increases the strength of erection

Majun Tila Ajmali

INDICATION: Majun Tila Ajmali is a combination of musk, saffron amber, and pearls. It strengthens heart, liver, brain and stomach

Qurs Abiaz

Original price was: ₨100.00.Current price is: ₨80.00.
Qurs Abiaz is curative for spermatorrhoea. It enhances ejaculation. Cochlospermum religiosum, Kushta qali, Acacia Arabica, Starch and sugar. Qurs Abyaz

Qurs Ajeeb Ahtalam

Original price was: ₨110.00.Current price is: ₨90.00.
INDICATION: Qurs Ajeeb Ahtalam is effective in nocturnal emission. It is for male Health Remedy. DOSAGES: 1 Tablet With Water

Qurs Mumsik Jadid

Original price was: ₨170.00.Current price is: ₨160.00.
INDICATION: Qurs Mumsik Jadid has a potent formula for maintaining an erection over longer durations. Increases stamina and retentive power.

Qurs Zarin

Original price was: ₨100.00.Current price is: ₨70.00.
Qurs Zarin is effective in the weakness of the bladder and kidney. DOSAGES: One To Two Tablets With water Before