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Majun Dabeed ul Ward | for Liver Diseases

Original price was: ₨300.00.Current price is: ₨250.00.
Description: Majun Dabeed ul Ward is effectual in the enlargement of liver and hepatitis. It is very beneficial in dropsy

Majun Hafiz-ul-Janain

Original price was: ₨350.00.Current price is: ₨300.00.
 Majun Hafiz-ul-Janain It is effective in diseases due to the weakness of uterus. It is helpful in habitual abortion and

Qurs Kahruba

Original price was: ₨120.00.Current price is: ₨100.00.
Indications: Qurs Kahruba is a styptic for oral bleeding. It Stops hematemesis. It is useful in epistaxis and bleeding from

Safoof Tabashir

Original price was: ₨150.00.Current price is: ₨120.00.
Description: Tabashir is beneficial herb that is used to cure many health issues and used to make different health remedies. it

V2 Ajmali

INDICATION: V2 AJMALI is an excellent aphrodisiac. It is for Pleasure and Increasing Time. An effective herbal remedy for sexual and