Showing 25–36 of 82 results

Nutmeg Oil

Description: Nutmeg is commonly known as jaiphal or Jaiphal. It is a commonly used herb that is used for many

Olive & Tulsi Infused Oil

Scientific Name: Osmium tenuiflorum Tulsi often called basil and holy basil. This herb is basically belongs to the plant of mint family

Pain Relief Infused Oil

Description: In your daily life you often feel pain in your body muscles, at that time you need something to

Pumpkin Seeds Oil

Scientific Name: Cucurbita moschata Description: Roghan-e-Kado is also known is pumpkin seeds oil that is a power house of healthy

Pure Argan Oil – روغن آرگن

  • Product Name: Pure Argan Oil - روغن آرگن
  • Other Names: Liquid Gold, Moroccan Oil, روغن آرگن
  • Pure Argan Oil in Urdu: روغن آرگن
  • Scientific Name: Argania spinosa

Pure Chamomile Oil (Roghan Gul Baboona) – روغن گل بابونہ

  • Product Name: Pure Chamomile Oil (Roghan Gul Baboona) - روغن گل بابونہ
  • Other Names: German Chamomile Oil, Roman Chamomile Oil, روغن بابونہ
  • Chamomile Oil in Urdu: روغن گل بابونہ
  • Scientific Name: Matricaria chamomilla

Pure Olive Oil – زیتون کا تیل

  • Product Name: Pure Olive Oil - زیتون کا تیل
  • Other Names: Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, زیتون کا خالص تیل, Olea europaea Oil
  • Pure Olive Oil in Urdu: زیتون کا تیل
  • Scientific Name: Olea europaea

Pure Roghan Podina (Peppermint Oil) – روغن پودینہ

  • Product Name: Pure Roghan Podina - روغن پودینہ
  • Other Names: Peppermint Oil, Mentha Oil, روغن نعناع
  • Roghan Podina in Urdu: روغن پودینہ
  • Scientific Name: Mentha piperita

Pure Rose Oil – روغن گلاب

  • Product Name: Rose Oil - روغن گلاب
  • Other Names: Gulab Ka Tel, Essential Rose Oil, روغن گلاب, Attar-e-Gulab
  • Rose Oil in Urdu: روغن گلاب
  • Scientific Name: Rosa damascena

Pure Ushnah Oil (Lichen Oil)

Scientific name:  The Scientific name of the Lichen Oil is Permelia Perlata which is related to the family permeliaceae family.  Description:  Pure

Pure Vetiver Oil

Scientific Name: Anathema Zizaneoides is the scientific name of pure Vetiver Oil Description: It is not a common herb and most

Pure Vitamin E Oil – روغن وٹامن ای

  • Product Name: Vitamin E Oil - روغن وٹامن ای
  • Other Names: Tocopherol Oil, روغن ای, Vitamin E Extract
  • Vitamin E Oil in Urdu: روغن وٹامن ای
  • Scientific Name: Tocopherol