
Indigo Powder – Remedy For Hair


Indigo powder is in fact beached and grounded foliage of the plant known as Indigofera Tinctoria. It is introduced as the indigo powder due it has the yawning blue pigment found in it. This leaf powder is very beneficial for hair. Even though this powder has blue color but it gives gloomy black/brown color to hair when it is diverse with henna and not show the blue color. Many people identify it as brown/black henna but in fact, it shows a blue color although it looks just like henna.

This powder is a natural dye for your hair and safe to use because this is natural and free from all harmful chemicals. Mostly black hair dyes restrain PPD, which is a harmful chemical that can become the foundation of allergic reactions but Indigo powder derived from the natural leaves has no allergic reactions and side effects. Our powder is new, fresh, and lightly sifted. At nature vibe, we concentrate on manufacturing the powder in the most favorable surroundings from the land of superb spices, Pakistan.    

What is Indigo powder?

Indigo powder is the fine particles derived from the indigo plant. The Indigo plant is a small hedge plant that grows about 2 to 3 meters tall. You can discover indigo plants by their flowers and leaves. This will stimulate your hair growth. For coloring your hair, it is useful after henna. Henna gives the hair a flushed orange and powder color hair dark blue color and collectively they make a natural black color.   

Indigo Powder Benefits:     

There are many benefits of this powder for hair growth or skin care because this is naturally derived from plants and free from dangerous chemicals. Some benefits are given below for your convenience:

·       It can guide to new hair growth and take care of hairlessness and bluntness.

·       It takes care and prevents early and premature grayish. Hair oil which is made of indigo leaves will undo and stop graying of the hair.  

·       It prevents dandruff and situations of dry hair. The oil which is made with Indigo leaves is also a very good cure for dandruff.

·       It will make the tangles hair smoother, makes your hair thicker, more controllable, and gleaming.

·       The major benefit of this powder is that it acts as an innate hair dye. In my personal belief, it is one of the presents from nature in view of the side effects of compound hair dyes which vary from sensitivity to skin allergies.

·       It treats scalp issues and stimulates the latest hair growth when used frequently. To encourage hair growth, rub the oil softly on the scalp regularly.

Best brand of indigo powder:

It is actually rare and difficult to find the best brand of this powder. But I solve your problem by sharing with you some real facts about this powder. Some brands are given below for your convenience:

·       Herbin’s brand is the best brand for this powder.

· Herbin’s powder is a 100 percent pure product.

·       It is a natural coloring for hair

·       Herbin indigo powder is obtainable in powder form.

Side effects of Indigo powder:

Every product has side effects as well as benefits so this product also has the side effects like:

·       Skin complaints

·       Irritation

·       Headache

·       Faintness

If you face any of these symptoms prevent using Indigo powder because the Indigo powder you use the fake brand of this indigo powder. The further side effects are it may be untidy and time-consuming to apply indigo powder as a dyer but it will obtain easier once you begin using it repeatedly.

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